Before the 1990s, drugs were often regarded as part of deviant subcultures, conceptualized as individual choices that mainstream culture wouldn't accept. However, this dynamic changed in the 90s as illegal drug uses became more prevalent. Anyone could be using an illicit substance of private to get by. On the other hand, drugs and their users are still stigmatized - a case of point would be the "zombie bath salt," drugs are believed to transform innocent beings into demons. Then in between, there are AA-structured quitting programs where one admit being powerless to drugs and seek help from god. How does the addiction to illegal substance differ from religious fanaticism, modern consumerism, or in general, the obsession over modernity? This is not to downplay the physical harm of the illicit substances, but to view the addictions of illegal substance as a part of the network of modernity and have a few laughs.
*small jump scare warning*